
We encourage all parents to please create an account through our online payment and forms system, Rycor. This system makes it more convenient for families, and the school community, to complete forms and make payments using any smart device. Rycor allows families to view their form completion and payment history. It also allows families to add multiple children to their account, even if they attend different schools. Rycor integrates with Powerschool to make things as simple as possible for families. More information can be found at https://www.nlschools.ca/studentsfamilies/rycor.jsp 

 Rycor accepts the following methods of payment:



- Mastercard

- American Express

- Debit VISA

- Debit Mastercard


(payment online is strongly encouraged, however cash/cheque will still be accepted in unique circumstances. Paper forms will still be available and accepted but online completion is preferred.)


If you have any questions or concerns regarding this information, please reach out at any time via email (frankrobertsjrh@nlschools.ca) or phone ((709) 834-9847).