Frank Roberts Junior High

École Intermédiaire Frank Roberts

Home of The Ravens

“FRJH is a community of engaged learners who are respectful and supportive of each other.”

Welcome to Frank Roberts Junior High 2024-25

Welcome Back!

September 4, 2024

Welcome back to all students and families for the 2024-2025 school year. We hope you had a

wonderful summer break!

The staff at Frank Roberts Junior High are looking forward to a fantastic year of teaching and learning together and we appreciate your ongoing support and involvement. A special welcome to our new Grade 7s and 8s along with their families who are joining our school community.

All information located below is also available on our Website. (

School Times 

School opens at 8:00 am

Homeroom begins at 8:15  

Lunch is from 12:37-1:17 

We are finished for the day at 2:15

Please see our Daily Schedule to see how our day would normally unfold

The First Day of School, Wednesday, September 4th, will start as follows:

Powerschool access for students and families will be open the morning of Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

Grade 7 students will start the day together in the gym where they will meet the administrative team, find out their homeroom class and then proceed to class with their homeroom teachers. 

Grades 8-9 students can log onto their powerschool account and check their homeroom assignment and you can go straight to your homeroom to start the day. If you don’t have access, don’t worry, we will have homeroom lists posted when you get in so you can find where you are. 

For anyone who isn’t on a list, come to the office and we will get you settled into a homeroom.



Buses will commence their runs as scheduled by our District. Bus planner information and routes are online under the transportation portal. Questions regarding busing should be directed to our District transportation team using the Public Inquiry Form as schools are not involved in transportation decision making.If you are dropping your child off at Frank Roberts Junior High please ensure that you continue a continuous flow of traffic as students exit the vehicle as safely and efficiently as possible.

For those who may need to avail of Courtesy Seating, please complete an application. We will process these as quickly as possible but it does take a few weeks so we can get an accurate count of our bus riders to know how much space we have.

School Calendar

2024-2025 NLSchools School Calendar

Dates that are specific to our school can be found on our FRJH Website

Breakfast Program

Will be up and running in a week or two. We run a Grab and Go breakfast that is available to all students. We are sponsored through Kids Eat Smart and any donations are appreciated.

Forms, Permission Slips and Money Collection

We will be using Rycor this year for our online forms, permission slips and collection of any money. Please create an account and read more on our website.


On occasion, it becomes necessary for children to receive prescribed medication at school. Please be aware that in order to do so, district policy requires the completion of both a parent and physician form. You may contact the office to get forms or they are available from the NLSchools website

If your child has to take medication during school hours, a parent/guardian must bring this medication to school in the pharmacy labeled bottle which has the child’s name and the correct dosage information as per the physician form. Phone ahead to make arrangements and a staff member will meet you at the door to take the medication.

If your child has anaphylaxis, you must have one epipen with the child and one for the office. Proper paperwork must be completed for this as well. This is required.

Allergy Alert

We have students/staff attending our school who have severe allergies to the following products: Peanuts, Tree nuts, All Nuts, Fish, Eggs, Sesame Seeds, Pineapple

If your child has an allergy or medical condition please contact our guidance team so we can be aware and help keep your child safe.

We ask for your cooperation in not sending these items to school with your child.

We also have students/teachers with allergies to various perfumes/scents. For this reason, students and parents must refrain from wearing scented products when on school property. Also, students should not be bringing body spray/perfume into the building. In the event we become aware of other known allergens, we will alert you as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.

Cafeteria operated by Chartwells

2024-2025 Cafeteria Menu

Students will need to bring lunch from home for the first week of school. Cafeteria Services are scheduled to be open on Monday, September 9, 2024. Students are permitted to leave the building at lunchtime. 


Regular student attendance is directly tied to achievement in school and we want to ensure that every child is able to perform and succeed to his or her potential. Students who miss time may

experience gaps in their learning, may feel less confident in school, may struggle to complete work and may even develop social concerns. Therefore, regular consistent attendance is extremely important as is arriving at school on time. 

We are more than willing to work with you to ensure your child is attending regularly and feeling safe and cared for at school. If attendance becomes a concern for your child’s teacher, as per district policy, they will make contact with you to help resolve any concerns. If concerns cannot be resolved, he/she will then inform the office and we will follow up with you to provide further assistance.


Parent/Student Powerschool login Portal 

PowerSchool is our student information system that contains information on your students' attendance and academic progress. We highly encourage our 7-9 students and families to make use of this resource. You can get your username and password from the office.

Homeroom and Class Change Requests 

Administration will not be processing any class change requests at this time. It is a very lengthy process to create class lists, and it requires input from multiple sources. It is also important that we are keeping class size as equitable as possible. We still have a number of new students transferring in and, until all students have been placed in a class and we have a clearer idea of numbers, the priority is to ensure all students are scheduled with a teacher in the appropriate program(for example English, LFI or EFI) and the schedule is running smoothly.

Starting Sept 12th, class change requests will only be considered based on the recommendation of a healthcare provider or situations previously documented/noted and only if there is space in the requested class. 

After Sept 20th, we will not be processing class change requests unless there are extenuating circumstances that arise and only if there is space in the requested class.

Cell Phone Expectations for the 2024-25 School Year

Thank you so much for your continued support as we are dedicated to offering each and every student the best possible educational experience. We look forward to meeting Parents/Guardians at our Frank Roberts Junior High Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 19th, 2024. More details to follow.

Picture Day is set for Monday October 7, 2024. All students will get their pictures taken during that day.


We are excited to see all our RAVENS both new and old on Wednesday, September 4th, 2024

Go to the Communications section to see all Information sent home during the 2024- 2025 school year

Contact Info

Phone: 709-834-9847 

Fax: 709-834-6069 


Student Absenteeism

Student absent? Email: