Frank Roberts Junior High
Personal Electronic Device Policy
Personal Electronic Device(PED) Policy
Personal electronic devices (PED’s) include, but are not limited to, mobile hand-held devices, cell phones/smart phones, smart watches, smart music players, earbuds, and gaming devices. This does not include laptops or tablets being used for instructional purposes or school issued devices when being used in learning
Students are encouraged not to bring PED’s to school.
Students are NOT PERMITTED to use their PED’s during Instructional hours (Instructional hours are defined as homeroom and periods 1-5), including in the halls and bathrooms.
Students who bring PED’s to school must switch it off or put it on airplane mode and turn off notifications; and must store it out of sight during instructional hours.
PED’s cannot be stored on a student’s body (e.g. in a student’s clothing) during instructional hours.
All students are provided with an initial combination lock for their locker.
PED’s are NOT PERMITTED to be used at any time during the school hours in the bathrooms.
Students are PERMITTED to use their PED’s during recess and lunch.
If a student has a PED out during instructional hours (homeroom or periods 1-5) including in the halls and bathrooms :
Students will be directed to bring it to the office.
Teachers will record each contravention on a tracking sheet
There are no warnings on these expectations (the transition period has passed; implementation date was Sept 2023)
PED’s are stored in the office until the end of the school day.
Refusal to submit the phone to administration will result in a phone call home.
Students who wish to communicate with home are welcome to use the office phone.